The Dream comes True- Awareness Program (Physical Session) for Improve the Positive thinking

Lion Eng M Sutharson MAF/ SLF
Towards Better Sri Lanka - Sustainable Country 2030
Any Other Projects for Towards better sri lanka
Zone 03
Region 10
Green Garden Hotel, Kallady, Batticaloa
With the collaboration of the Thoughts and Destiny, we have arranged a Awareness Program for the purpose of improving the positive thinking. Because in the Eastern region, suicide rate also increased in the days.Region advisor Dr. Chandrakantha Mahendranathan (Region Advisor- Region 09, Senior Lecturer, EUSL) also participated as a key note speaker. Due to the present community needs, we willing to conduct the session as a continuous project in future. Most of the participants are doctors, engineers,layers, phycologist, social workers and parents.
150 hour(s)
Lion Eng M Sutharson MAF/ SLF
2023-08-09 06:19:52
2023-08-09 06:19:52
150, 000.00 LKR
