Food preparation and distribution

Tuan Jamion PMAF-Charter Member
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Children Care - Helping Orphanage/Orphans/ Food Donation/ Universal children day Celebrations October 01
Zone 01
Region 02
Railway Station Nugevoda to Waga
The first ever Awareness Project on Environment Conservation was organised by the Club for the Students of Grade 4B of Royal College, Colombo 07 (Primary Section) on the Seethwaka Odyssey Train accompanied by the Deouty Principal of the Primary Section, Ms Hashika Perumbulli, the Headmaster and Class Teacher, Mr Chandika Heiyanthuduwa, President of Parents Group, Mr Nirosh Ginigaddarage and the parents. Past District Governor, Lion Raslan Mowlana, Region Chairman Trudy Dharmaratne, Project Chairman/Club Secretary Lion Tuan Z Jamion, the President Lion Antony Pradeep and other Club members participated in the distribution of snacks and refreshments on board the Odyssey Train. A brief introduction of the days program was conducted and after meals light Calypso music entertainment was provided during the train nourney. The students, staff and parents were warmly welcomed by the District Governor Ismath Hamid upon arrival at the Waga Station after a one and a half hour train journey to board the buses to travel to the Kalatuwawa Reservoir and forest reserve.
36 hour(s)
Tuan Jamion PMAF-Charter Member
2023-08-10 04:28:41
2023-08-10 04:28:41
45, 000.00 LKR
