Tree Planting at Ranmudhuella falls

Tuan Jamion PMAF-Charter Member
Focus of global causes
Cleaner & Greener Environment - Beach Cleaning, Promote Tourism / Tree Planting / Protecting Catchment areas & Plastic free event.
Zone 01
Region 02
Ranmudhuella waterfalls Seethawaka
An important segment of the Environment Conservation Awareness program was the unveiling of the District Governor's notice placard to all to Always Act Responsibly and protect the Environment around you. The schools children of Royal Co!lege Colombo 07 partucipated in the Tree Planting segment by carrying and planting Mee and Kumbuk trees along the Ranmudhu ella warefall which is situated a few kilometers away from the Kalatuwawa and Labugama catchment areas. The pits were prepared by the local residents a day ahead before the children arrived. Transportation of the plants wax done with the help of a local from the Labugama plant nursery to the sites a day ahead. The Governors placard was unveiled by the Past Distruct Governor Lion Raslan Mowlana. The Project Chairman Lion Tuan Jamion headed the team to the sites. Sweet meat and tea were provided thereafter at the waterfall site.
24 hour(s)
Tuan Jamion PMAF-Charter Member
2023-08-10 09:17:42
2023-08-10 11:37:34
32, 000.00 LKR
