Cadet team Sponsorship for one year

Dinusha Nandani Kumari Lugoda
Guts of Youth - Sri Lanka - Youth Program/Leo
Guiding the Drop Outs & Others - Collaborating with Government/ Non Government/ Vocational Training Centers & educate youth to lead a better life
Havelock Legends
Zone 01
Region 04
Vidyaloka Maha vidyalaya Arrawwala
In parallel with our transformative projects, we're proud to support the 'Guts of Youth' through a year-long cadet team sponsorship initiative. This commitment reflects our belief in the potential of young hearts and the importance of nurturing their leadership skills and camaraderie. Together, we're fostering a resilient future!
60 hour(s)
Dinusha Nandani Kumari Lugoda
2023-09-01 06:01:25
2023-09-02 01:40:31
850, 000.00 LKR
