Young Chang Digital Piano from Korea to a Provincial School

Buddhika Samarajeewa MJF/PMAF
Lions Back to School - Education
Any Other Projects for Lions back to School
Udahamulla New Century
Zone 01
Region 04
Dharmapala Maha Vidyalaya, Pannipitiya
Donated a Young Chang Digital Piano to a Provincial School, Dharmapala Maha Vidyalaya, Pannipitiya (Dharmapala Kanishta Vidyalaya). Original value of the Piano is 1.8M in LKR and it's a refurbished one which was sent from a Charity arm in Republic of Korea. Current value of the Piano is 60% from the original value and we included its shipping and delivery charges from Korea to the end location in Pannipitiya. SVDG Lion Gaya Upasena MJF was witnessed the donation. Project Chairperson was Lion Buddhika Samarajeewa MJF/PMAF
720 hour(s)
Dileep Kanishka Dias PMAF/MBA
2023-09-25 09:56:27
2023-09-29 05:48:14
1, 150, 000.00 LKR
