Providing lunch for students and staff of deaf and blind school at Dowa Kumbalwela and Disable vocational training center at Bandarawela.

Lalith Hettiarachchi.MJF
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Children Care - Helping Orphanage/Orphans/ Food Donation/ Universal children day Celebrations October 01
Zone 01
Region 08
Deaf and blind school at Dowa Kumbalwela and Disable vocational training center at Bandarawela.
Provided lunch for students in deaf and blind school Dowa Kumbalwela and Disable vocational training center at Bandarawela. Total no of students 128 5 Helpers and 8 Lions participated the Project. Value of the project 141 lunch X Rs 750.00 =105750.00 Lion hours 8*3=24 24X500.00 =12000.00 Transport cost=Rs 6000.00 Total value= Rs 123750.00
24 hour(s)
Dr.W P Chaminda Priyantha Wijesinghe.MJF/PMAF
2023-09-29 06:05:13
2023-09-29 06:05:13
123, 750.00 LKR
