Providing tea and refreshments every Tuesday and Friday to trainees (patients) who are coming to vocational training at mental health unit District Hospital Bandarawela.

Konara Mudiyanselage Ariyarathne
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Elders Care - Helping Elders Home/ Building Elders Home/ Food Donations/ Cloth Donation/ Wheel Chair/ Clutches/ Other requirements/ Universal Elders day Celebrations Oct 01
Zone 01
Region 08
mental health unit District Hospital Bandarawela.
Provided tea and refreshments every Tuesday and Friday to to selected patients (trainees) who are coming to vocational training unit and the staff District Hospital Bandarawela. Average 35 trainees' and 5 staff provide tea. On 24th the Doctor, staff and trainees of the unit went on a trip to Nuwera Eliya for spend the day. Club provided special refreshments parcels for 60 participants of the trip.3 lions participated in the project each day Value of the project Tea and refreshments for 40 per day x Rs 200.00 = 8000.00 For 8 days Rs 64000.00 On 24th 60 parcels x Rs 350.00 = 21000.00 3 Lions 2 hours per day 6 hours x 500.00 = 3000.00 For 8 days 8 x 3000.00 =24000.00 Total cost=Rs 112000
48 hour(s)
Dr.W P Chaminda Priyantha Wijesinghe.MJF/PMAF
2023-09-30 01:40:00
2023-09-30 01:40:00
112, 000.00 LKR
