Adding Joy to Cleanliness: Wellawatta Beach Cleaning Project and Breakfast Delight

Dinusha Nandani Kumari Lugoda
Guts of Youth - Sri Lanka - Youth Program/Leo
Any Other Projects for Guts of youth
Havelock Legends
Zone 01
Region 04
Wellawatta beach
On September 24, 2023, our Lions Club of Havelock Legends embarked on a mission to clean Wellawatta Beach, but we didn't stop there! Alongside our dedicated beach cleaning efforts, we extended our warmth to the students of Arawwala Vidyaloka Maha Vidyalaya and all the participants. After a morning of hard work and community spirit, we treated everyone to a hearty breakfast. The aroma of freshly prepared food filled the air as we gathered to replenish our energy and share stories of our beach cleaning endeavors. But the fun didn't end with breakfast! We organized an entertaining event that brought smiles, laughter, and pure joy. Our club members showcased their talents by singing, while the students lit up the stage with their songs and dances. Their enthusiasm was contagious, and the atmosphere was filled with happiness. The students enjoyed the event so much that their happiness was palpable. It was a heartwarming reminder of the power of community and the joy that comes from working together for a cleaner environment and brighter future. Moments like these remind us why we're Lions – to serve our community, bring happiness, and make a positive impact.
160 hour(s)
Dinusha Nandani Kumari Lugoda
2023-10-01 09:50:44
2023-10-02 04:55:15
112, 500.00 LKR
