LCI Peace Poster Contest

Prashan Barnes Abeywardena MJF/MAF
Lions Back to School - Education
Any Other Projects for Lions back to School
Colombo Alexandrite
Zone 02
Region 06
4th September, 2023 – LCI Peace Poster Contest 2023/2024 LC of Colombo Alexandrite District 306C 2 conducted the Peace Poster Contest for the 2nd consecutive year jointly with LC of Newcastle Northern Ireland. A total of US $300 was financed by the sponsor Newcastle LC of Northern Ireland. Conducted at Wethara School Polgasowita, 32 children participated along with 11 adults. Art materials and refreshments were provided. IPP Lion Prash Barnes MJF MAF, Lion Muthu and District Cabinet Officer PPC Lion Kanis participated. Children commenced their poster and the Lions Team will collect all posters for judging end of October. - Project Chairperson Lion Prash Barnes MJF MAF -
43 hour(s)
Prashan Barnes Abeywardena MJF/MAF
2023-10-05 01:14:01
2023-10-06 07:57:19
112, 500.00 LKR
