Conducting English classes for 6 poor children in the area

A H T jayani upeksha
Guts of Youth - Sri Lanka - Youth Program/Leo
Guiding the Drop Outs & Others - Collaborating with Government/ Non Government/ Vocational Training Centers & educate youth to lead a better life
Zone 01
Region 08
Bandarawela Activity Center
Our club member Lion Jayani Upeksha conducted English class for selected 6 poor children in the area every Saturday 4 hours free of charge. Project Dates 2nd, 9th 16th, 23rd and 30th of September 2023 Value of the project 1 Student x Rs 2000.00 per day 6x2000.00 =12000.00 For 5 days 5x12000.00 =60000.00 Value of the project=Rs 60000.00
24 hour(s)
Dr.W P Chaminda Priyantha Wijesinghe.MJF/PMAF
2023-10-09 01:15:57
2023-10-09 01:15:57
60, 000.00 LKR
