Sponsored the flooring cost of a class room in As-Safa Boys school.

Mohamed Nusky
Lions Back to School - Education
Building & refurbishing school toilets - Water Supply/ Land Development/ Materials/ Construction.
Nintavur Supreme
Zone 02
Region 10
As- Safa Nintavur
Lions Club of Nintavur Supreme sponsored the flooring cost of a class room in As-Safa Boys school. Lions club of Nintavur Supreme sponsored the cost of flooring a class room which accommodates 40 students and was partially damaged. The event held on 08.09.2023, Friday, With the Participation of Lion District 306 C2 District Governor Lion.Ismath Hamid (PMJF), District GMCT Cordinator Lion. Shiraz Khan, Region chairman Lion.Anaff, Zone Chairman Lion.Fowzan along with President Arouf Arshath and the Members of Lions Club of Nintavur Supreme. Lion. Nusky - Chairman of Lucky HR was the sponsor and the project chairman of this event.
15 hour(s)
Asley Yoosuff
2023-10-11 02:04:35
2023-10-11 02:04:35
40, 000.00 LKR
