Water connection for a needy

Asley Yoosuff
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Women Empowerment - Self Employment/ Leadership Training/ Recognition & Encouragement/ Scholorhips/ Universal Women day Celebrations March 08
Nintavur Supreme
Zone 02
Region 10
Lions club of Nintavur Supreme Donated the money for Water supply connection to a needy widow who was suffering without a water connection. The event held on 08.09.2023, Friday, With the Participation of Lion District 306 C2 District Governor Lion.Ismath Hamid (PMJF), District GMCT Cordinator Lion. Shiraz Khan, Region chairman Lion.Anaff, Zone Chairman Lion.Fowzan along with President Arouf Arshath and the Members of Lions Club of Nintavur Supreme. Lion Asley Yoosuff was the project chairperson of this project.
10 hour(s)
Asley Yoosuff
2023-10-11 02:48:06
2023-10-11 02:48:06
40, 000.00 LKR
