Donation of Dry Rations , nutritional supplements and other necessary items for pregnant mothers

Ranga Managoda
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Children Care - Helping Orphanage/Orphans/ Food Donation/ Universal children day Celebrations October 01
Homagama Supreme
Zone 02
Region 04
Sankapala Temple, Ambilipitiya
Donation of Dry Food rations , Nutritional supplement and other necessary items for 50 pregnant mothers ware done on 1st October 2023 at Sankapala Purana Temple, Ambilipitiya. value of the Dry Rations were 13000 each. Total value of the Donations is 650000 rupees (2141 $. ) Project Chairperson is Lion Ranga Managoda . Lion Vishva Perera provided the Nutritional supplements and other items by the members of the club. Three Lion members attended the function with the Chief Incumbent of the temple and people of the area.
80 hour(s)
Lalith Warnasuriya
2023-10-20 05:39:18
2023-10-20 05:39:18
650, 000.00 LKR
