Food distribution and donation of Cooker & Gifts, invoking blessings September 2023

Thiaka Algiriya MJF/MAF/JP
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Children Care - Helping Orphanage/Orphans/ Food Donation/ Universal children day Celebrations October 01
Zone 01
Region 02
Sangikaramaya temple Menerigama Handapangoda
The society members of the Sri Saangarika Temple in Menerigama Hadapangoda assisted in making necessary arrangements to invoke blessings on the current District Governor and his team of cabinet officers on the14th of September which coincided the birthday of Project Chairman Lion Thilaka Algiriya. After the Religious ceremony everyone partook in the meals hosted by Lion Thilaka. A gas cooker was donated to the temple kitchen.The chief guest for the occasion was the District Chairman Environment, Lion Wasantha Maasakorala. The DGSPC fir Environment& City Beautification, Lion Tuan Jamion and Lion Bandula, DGSPC for Vision were present too.
30 hour(s)
Tuan Jamion PMAF-Charter Member
2023-10-21 07:00:58
2023-10-21 07:00:58
35, 000.00 LKR
