Distribution of vegetable plants to the vendors who selling local vegetables brought from their home gardens at Bridge market, Kallady, Batticaloa.

Nadesamoorthy, Eng Thiruvarudshelvan
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Any Other Projects for Power of family
Batticaloa Supreme
Zone 01
Region 09
Bridge market, near the Kallady bridge, Batticaloa 10.00am
We Lions Club of Batticaloa Supreme, have distributed 1,500 numbers of vegetable plants among to the vendors(25 nos) who are selling local vegetables(brought from their home gardens) at the Bridge market situated at the old Kallady Bridge, Batticaloa with the presence of 1st Vice DG Lion Ranjith Fernando MJF/MAF on 8th of October, 2023.
48 hour(s)
Nadesamoorthy, Eng Thiruvarudshelvan
2023-10-26 06:07:08
2023-10-26 06:07:08
15, 000.00 LKR
