To commemorate world elders day 2023 joinet Project with Leo Club Of Sabaragamuwa Campus

R M Premaratne.PMAF
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Children Care - Helping Orphanage/Orphans/ Food Donation/ Universal children day Celebrations October 01
Zone 01
Region 08
Lions "SANASUMA" Elders Home Amunudowa Bandarawela
Leo Club Of Sabaragamuwa Campus leos visited Lions "SANASUMA" Elders Home Amunudowa Bandarawela to commemorate the world elders day with elders and Lions Of Bandarawela. Leos presented gifts and nutrition dry foods for inmates and spend the day enjoying singing and dancing with elders. Our club provided tea and refreshments for visited leos and lunch for inmates, participated leos, and lions. 8 Lions joined the project. Value of the project Tea and refreshments for 35 Leos and participants=35 x Rs 200.00 = 7000.00 Lunch for inmates, Leos and participants= 60x Rs 500.00 = 30000.00 Lion hours 8x3 = 24 x Rs 500.00 = 12000.00 Total 49000.00
3 hour(s)
Dr.W P Chaminda Priyantha Wijesinghe.MJF/PMAF
2023-10-29 12:07:39
2023-10-29 12:07:39
49, 000.00 LKR
