Donation of Cricket Equipment to Homagama Central College- 10/10/2023

Ravi Jayadewa Mannapperuma
Lions Back to School - Education
Helping Students - Donation of Exercise Books/Bags/Other items Scholarship/Uniforms/Sports Materials
Homagama Supreme
Zone 02
Region 04
Homagama Central College
Project of donating Cricket equipment to the Homagama Central College was conducted by the Lions Club of Homagama Supreme with the participation of Past District Governor Lion Lasantha Gunawardhana MJf, MAF as the Chief Guest together with the members of the lions Club of Homagama Supreme and vising lions. Project chairperson is Lion Ravi Jayadewa Mannapperuma. value of the project is Rs/- 325,000/
60 hour(s)
Lalith Warnasuriya
2023-10-30 04:11:14
2023-12-02 04:51:37
325, 000.00 LKR
