Tree planting project. Distribution of Mee and Karanda plants

R M Premaratne.PMAF
Focus of global causes
Cleaner & Greener Environment - Beach Cleaning, Promote Tourism / Tree Planting / Protecting Catchment areas & Plastic free event.
Zone 01
Region 08
Amunudowa Daham Pasala
Distributed 200 Mee and Karanda plants among students and teachers of Amunudowa Daham Pasala to promote environment protection. 5 Lions participated the Project 100 Mee and Karanda plants x Rs 150.00 = 15000 Transport cost from Wellawaya to Bandarawela Amunudowa = 90Km x Rs 150.00 = 13500 Labour 1 day = Rs 3000.00 Plans transport day 8 Lion hours x Rs 500.00 = 4000.00 Project day lion hours 2 x 5 = 10x 500.00 =5000.00 Total Rs 40500
18 hour(s)
Dr.W P Chaminda Priyantha Wijesinghe.MJF/PMAF
2023-11-03 12:03:46
2023-11-03 12:03:46
40, 500.00 LKR
