Project Report - No.67 - " Children above all - Children’s day celebration " Activities: Breakfast, Games, Educational Stage Drama, Special Meal, Song appreciation Program

Hewa Baddage Amalee Chathurika Chandraratna
Lions Back to School - Education
Any Other Projects for Lions back to School
Colombo Continental Excellence
Zone 03
Region 01
Location: Vidyaloka Vidyalaya - Hokandara
Project Report - No.67 1. Subject: " Children above all - Children’s day celebration " Activities: Breakfast, Games, Educational Stage Drama, Special Meal, Song appreciation Program 2. Date: 02.10.2023 3. Location: Vidyaloka Vidyalaya - Hokandara 4. Participants: 85 Children, 17 teachers , 5 and 3 lions 5. Project chairperson: Lion Amalee Chandraratna 6. Funded by: Lion Amalee Chandraratna And Mrs Sujeema Jayakodi 7. Value - Rs.75,000/- 8. Conducted by: CCC 9. Lion hours: 60 10. Benifited: 120
60 hour(s)
H K C Aruna Kumara
2023-11-11 09:38:17
2023-11-11 09:38:17
75, 000.00 LKR
