Providing tea and refreshments to mental health unit District Hospital Bandarawela

Konara Mudiyanselage Ariyarathne
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Elders Care - Helping Elders Home/ Building Elders Home/ Food Donations/ Cloth Donation/ Wheel Chair/ Clutches/ Other requirements/ Universal Elders day Celebrations Oct 01
Zone 01
Region 08
mental health unit District Hospital Bandarawela
Project Dates 3rd, 7th, 10th, 14th, 17th, 21st, 24th, and 28th of November 2023 ( 8 days) Provided tea and refreshments every Tuesday and Friday to selected patients ( trainees) who are coming to vocational training unit and the staff District Hospital Bandarawela. Average 35 trainees and 5 staff provided tea. 2 or lions participate the project days. Value of the project Tea and refreshments for 40 per day x Rs 100.00 = 4000.00 For 8 days=4000 x 8= 32000.00 Lion hours 2 lions 2 hours per day 2 x 2= 4 x Rs 500.00 = 2000.00 For 8 days= 8 x 2000= 16000.00 Transport cost per day Rs 500.00 For 8 days= Rs 4000.00 Total Rs 52000 Special Note; Not allowed to take photo beneficiaries
32 hour(s)
Dr.W P Chaminda Priyantha Wijesinghe.MJF/PMAF
2023-12-04 12:33:28
2023-12-04 12:35:27
52, 000.00 LKR
