Renovation & Newly Build School Toilts

Muthukumaran Sri Sanjiev
Lions Back to School - Education
Building & refurbishing school toilets - Water Supply/ Land Development/ Materials/ Construction.
Colombo Sunshine MJF
Zone 01
Region 01
kandaloya Tamil Maha Vidyalaya, Nawalapitiya
Successful completion of the joint toilet project at Kandaloya Tamil Maha Vidyalaya, Nawalapitiya, in collaboration with the Trinity College 92 batch. The project involved the renovation of seven washrooms and the construction of two new washrooms, all of which were executed within the allocated budget of Rs 200,000. The project aimed to improve the sanitation facilities at Kandaloya Tamil Maha Vidyalaya, providing a clean and hygienic environment for the students and Teachers.
10 hour(s)
Muthukumaran Sri Sanjiev
2023-12-09 09:13:17
2024-01-04 08:43:11
200, 000.00 LKR
