Distribution of Trees

Lion Sothinathan Sangjeli MAF
Focus of global causes
Cleaner & Greener Environment - Beach Cleaning, Promote Tourism / Tree Planting / Protecting Catchment areas & Plastic free event.
Arayampathy Excellance
Zone 03
Region 09
Mavilanguthurai Vigneswara Vidiyalam
The theme of making a difference The Lions Club of Arayampathy Excellence, along with the Lions Club of Myliddy Golden Star (District 306B1), did a service project at Mavilanguthurai Vigneswara Vidiyalayam. We hand over the trees to the school students. This is a very motivational activity for a cleaner and greener environment. We distributed 150 tress to the students.
40 hour(s)
Lion Sothinathan Sangjeli MAF
2024-01-05 02:11:43
2024-01-05 02:11:43
37, 500.00 LKR
