Editing MJF Awareness Videos for the district 306 C2

Dileep Kanishka Dias PMAF/MBA
New IDEAS - New Ideas for Innovative Projects
Any other Creative Projects for lives Upliftment
Udahamulla New Century
Zone 01
Region 04
Social Media
Edited MJF donors videos in a creative way as requested by the district governor Lion Ismath Hameed. There were 16 Videos edited and all done by the club president Lion Dileep Dias and distributed among district WhatsApp groups and Facebook group. The videos were a big hit among the Lions community, with many members expressing their appreciation for the creative and engaging edits. Lion Dileep Dias's efforts were recognized and praised by the district governor, who commended him for his dedication to promoting the MJF donors program. The videos sparked a lot of interest and generated a buzz around the initiative, ultimately leading to an increase in donations and support for the cause. Overall, it was a successful and impactful campaign that showcased the power of creative storytelling in spreading awareness and driving action.
72 hour(s)
Ranmali Lankathilaka Dias
2024-01-16 09:24:39
2024-01-22 06:23:45
80, 000.00 LKR
