Providing tea and refreshments for Vocational training at Mental health Unit

R M Premaratne.PMAF
Securing Food and Water
Distribution of cooked meal Meals
Zone 2
Region 10
Mental health Unit, District Hospital Bandarawela
Provided lunch on 5th July and other 8 days provided tea and refreshments for 35 trainies (Patients) and 5 staff who are coming for Vocational training at Mental health Unit, District Hospital Bandarawela every Tuesday and Friday. Average 3 lions participated the project every day. Value of the project 0n 5th of July 40 lunch @ Rs 600.00 = 24000.00 Other 8 days tea and refreshments 8 × 40 ×Rs 200.00 = 64000.00 2 Lion hours per day 2 × 3 × 9 @ Rs 500.00 = 27500.00 Transport 9 days @ Rs 500.00= 4500.00 Total. Rs 120000.00
54 hour(s)
R M Premaratne.PMAF
2024-08-01 08:04:17
2024-08-01 08:04:17
120, 000.00 LKR
