Fund raising and voluntary teaching project. ( Monthly on going project) since 2022 July

A H T jayani upeksha
Leading Youth
Leadership Development and Vocational Training for Youth
Zone 2
Region 10
Lion Activity center Bandarawela
Lion Jayani Upeksha rent Lion's Activity Centre and running an English Institute for Government Employees and students. She voluntary teaching 6 poor students in weekends ( 3 hours per day, 8 days per month).She paid 25000.00 Rs to the club. Value of the project Rent for the building = Rs 25000 Value of teaching 6 students 6 × Rs 5000.00 = 30000.00 Lion hours 3 × 8 × Rs 500.00 =12000.00 Total. Rs 67000.00
24 hour(s)
R M Premaratne.PMAF
2024-08-06 12:49:09
2024-08-06 12:49:09
67, 000.00 LKR
