Leadership Development and Safe Migration Awareness Program

Lion Sothinathan Sangjeli MAF
Leading Youth
Leadership Development and Vocational Training for Youth
Arayampathy Excellance
Zone 4
Region 12
Technical College, Batticaloa
The Lions Club of Arayamapathy Excellence, in collaboration with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), recently organized a leadership development and safe migration awareness program specifically tailored for vocational youth. This initiative, spearheaded by Lions S. Sangjeli in his role as chairperson, attracted the participation of over 100 young individuals. The event provided valuable insights and knowledge on leadership skills and the importance of safe migration, equipping the attendees with essential tools to navigate their futures more effectively.
30 hour(s)
Lion Sothinathan Sangjeli MAF
2024-08-13 10:10:16
2024-08-13 10:10:16
54, 000.00 LKR
