Grade 5 Scholarship seminar 2024

D M Wimalasiri Disanayake
Image Building
Any Other Project related to Image Building
Zone 2
Region 2
National Youth Center Auditorium Maharagama
The seminar has conducted to develop and motivate their skills and knowledge. It was a 2 session program and It has conducted by Mr. Manjula Mahendra and Mr. Nishantha Pinthu who were the leading teaches in the grade 5 scholarship sector. The program had been planned for 1,500 Nos of children. But, unfortunately participance were only 250 Nos, We have spent so much of expenses for this project and expenditure summary as follows. - For Location : LKR 150,000 - For Lectures : LKR 25,000 X 2 = LKR 50,000 - For Snacks : LKR 200 X 250 = LKR 50,000 - For material Kit to the kids : LKR 800 X 250 = LKR 200,000 - For Sounds & Light : LKR 50,000 - For Announcing and helpers : LKR 50,000 - For Advertisements : LKR 50,000 Chief Guests : Immediate Past District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF/MAF Global Service Team Leader Lion Chamath C Jayalath MAF Region Chairperson Lion Chandana Mahanama MJF
112 hour(s)
S P A Lochana Chathuranga
2024-08-18 05:40:32
2024-08-19 07:41:35
600, 000.00 LKR
