Education Programme

Lion Sothinathan Sangjeli MAF
Leading Youth
Educational Programs and Seminars for School Children
Arayampathy Excellance
Zone 4
Region 12
BT/BC/Mavilangathurai Vigneswara Vidiyalayam
On August 21, 2024, we conducted an educational awareness program at Mavilangathurai Vigneswara Vidyalayam, aimed at addressing the critical issue of student dropouts and fostering continuous education. The program was meticulously designed to emphasise the importance of staying in school and developing a strong educational foundation. By engaging with the students and the broader school community, we sought to inspire and motivate them to prioritise their education, highlighting the long-term benefits of academic perseverance. This initiative was spearheaded by Lions S. Sangjeli, whose vision and dedication to the cause played a pivotal role in bringing this project to life. Through this program, we hope to create a lasting impact, encouraging students to pursue their studies with determination and avoid the pitfalls of dropping out, thereby paving the way for a brighter future.
35 hour(s)
Lion Sothinathan Sangjeli MAF
2024-08-23 04:53:07
2024-08-23 04:53:07
36, 000.00 LKR
