Career building and mental health awareness program organzed by leo lion Danusha Tharangani held at Peradeniya univervity on 20th December. Dr.N Kumaranayaka was the resource person.40 stutents partic...
lunch and tea arrangement for Sarana Elders Home 50 members
Dengue awareness program Ampara area collaboration with police and government staff, DS Office and Pradeshiya Saba
Donating 15 seats for elderly people come to dhammashala of mahawapi maha wihara
A plant donation for innocents people in mahakandiya, On the year end full moon poya day.
With the collaboration of lions club of Kalmunai Town and Lions club Karaitivu the VSC Karaitivu organized Food donation ( 200 dinner) for the people who were affected by the worst weather
Donation of LED Projector and Wireless Display Dongle of smart study system of school level
gift for Lunch box zuhara vidayalaya kalmunai
Grate 5 scholarship pass student and honouring 115 students Gift 15x1500= 22500/- Medal 15x500= 7500/- Certificate 115x200/-= 23000/- Total ???? 53000/-
Jawatha summit donated School books and bags to beach side children who are underprivileged.
Jawatha summit had a project to educate the self employment to women' in the beach area .to make King coconut Wine, milk toffees, making flowers and making Achcharu.
Had an awareness program for children on drugs and how it can change the life for a child. Chief Geust was Lion Chamen Coonjene.
Project Chairperson Lion Bandhula Algiriya of Colombo Elvitigala Lions Club and Lion Enoka de Silva, Chairman Lion Ladies Association iniated in conducting the second Eye Screening Project, this time ...
At the Sri Mihindu Madyaasthanaya school at New City East Hokandara Project Chairperson Lion Amara Perera distributed food to 100 children present and 25 other staff and Lion members present on the 3r...
To conclude the successful projects conducted on December 23, 2023, all participants were treated to a delightful evening, complete with snacks, tea, and camaraderie. Spearheaded by Project Chairman L...
Doneted Money for Culture Programme at Timbirigasyaya AG Office
Cataract surgeries were performed for needy patients identified as underprivileged families in the area in collaboration with HelpAge Sri Lanka.
A blood donation campaign was conducted in collaboration with the National Blood Bank of Sri Lanka to be provided free of charge for needy patients.
Celebrating Birthday with Lawris child Developement Centre at colombo 10. Provided Lunch for children and Staff, Birthday cake, Gifts And Dry Rations. Project chair person Lion Lady Thilini Madushani.