Donate Rs.25,000/- to Lion Ladies Association.
Arrange a Montessori picnic for preschool children in Rathnapura, Kokatiyawela Abinawarama Montessori—a full-day outing sponsored by our club. Provide transportation and lunch and evening tea for pa...
The legal aid program is done for needy people.
Donation of String hopper-making tool set for self-employment.
Donate goods for pregnant mother.
Donation first-aid box with medicines to Sadahiruseya temple, Anuradhapura.
Donation of School books and supplies for needy children.
Donation for Maharagama Sujatha Elderly Care Home For Dinner.
Donate a sleeping chair to Maharagama Sujatha Elderly Care Home.
Donate milk powder packets, tea packets, sugar, and biscuit packets for one-month tea time to a Maharagama, Sujatha elderly care home and donate medicines for them.
School books donated to 5 Sunday school children at Saman Dewalaya project, Nawinna- Isipathanaramaya temple by Lion Lady H.L.Virosha Gayani.
Brief Description Donated a scholarship to Miss E V G J T Isurangi of Miriswatta Uva Mawelagama Monthly 2000.00 Rs
Donate 20,000 bricks and other building materials and transport to build a temple in Neluwa village, Southern Province by Lion A.L. Buddhika Sadaruwan at the Saman Dewalaya project, Nawinna Isipathana...
Meals and other requirements Donors provided meals, tea and refreshments, clothes, soaps, tooth paste, tooth brushs etc for 22 inmates with the staff. Maintanance Salaries, electricity, telephone, ...
An Awareness program on Drug Abuse was held at the Dhalthra Junior School on Thursday the 17th of August 2023 from 9 am onwards. The Lions Club of Colombo Elvitigala assisted financially to set up the...
We are excited to introduce our newest project 'Strong Together', in commemorating of WORLD HUMANITARIAN DAY with Leo Lions Club of Colombo Knights Thalassemia is a challenging condition, and these ch...
Provided breakfast for all the school children and lions who attended to Science lab opening ceremony
Conducted cataract operations for 10 needy people and selected them with the help of Dompe Divisional Secretary and Adult welfare organization of Dompe
Conducted Cataract operations for 12 needy people and screening was done with the help of divisional secretary of Dompe and Adult Welfare Organization of Dompe
The sponsors of an Internationally assisted Back to School project Mr and Mrs Sanders and their children Tess and Joppe from Netherlands were visited by the Project Chairman and Club Secretary, Lion T...
Lion image building