Dental health care medical camp was held as one project of multi service project. It was organized by lion members of lions club of kottawa midtown on 24th sep. at kottawa Ananda maha vidyalaya.46 chi...
Diabetic control medical camp was held at multi service project of kottawa Ananda vidyalaya. Test checked blood glucouse lelevl and BMI level inspcted. Medical advice given after blood glucouse tes...
Distributed dengue control hand leaflets and smoked in premises of kottawa Ananda maha vidyalaya and out of the school. District governor lion Bennet gamlath participated for this multi service proje...
Donated 8 nos. art books named " Bellanwila bithu sithuwam" to art studying student of kottawa Ananda maha vidyalaya, at multi service project . .District governor lion Bennet gamlath participated a...
Donated school books and equipment to selected 25 children of pannipitiya montisory at the multi service project which was held at Kottawa Ananda maha vidyalaya. District governor Lion Bennet gaml...
Distributed dry rations 86 parcels to needy people valued more than Rs. 3500 per pkt. at the multi service project which was held at kottawa Ananda maha vidyalaya. District governor lion Bennet gam...
Distributed school books to more than 200 students of kottawa ananda vidyalaya,and other school students also, at the multi service project. 24 books included each pack. District Governor lion Ben...
Donated pregnant mothers' needy items such as baby bath basins, cot sheets, napkins, towels soap, baby talc powder , baby suits, socks, sweeters ect. to pregnant mothers.Goods Valued Rs. 8750 per ...
Donated tricycle with large luggage ( tree weel bicycle) to person living disable with low income facility. It donated him to promote his living status.District governor lion Bennet gamlath apartic...
Tree planted and distributed tree plant at the multi service project was held by lion members of lions club of kottawa mid town on 24th sep.2022. Three plant Mouse mi and karanda was planted in prem...
Mango trees issued to Participants of Milk Walk including Leos
Project Number 07. District 306C2 Lions Club of Homagama Start a Environment Week on 18th September.. Here with We Distributions some of plants.. 1. Soursop (Received from District) 2. Hummingbird ...
Donated rs. 500.00 each to the selected needy students and rs. 1000.00 to a selected child of the area and donated rs. 5000.00 each to 4 selected needy children's from rural area
Planted 150 plants at temple premises and distributed 125 plants among the teachers and children's of the dhamma school of same temple
Planting of plants around the lake & Cleaning of Lake
Project Number 06. Lions Club of Homagama Donations Kids Daily Needs All kids wards of National Cancer Hospitle Maharagama on 17th september 2022 from 11.30 A.M. Each ward Have 40 Kids patients.. T...
Environmental Week we successfully completed murunga and fruits trees Donation and Planting @ Arayampathy & Navatkudah.
It helps people become better citizens, get a better-paid job, shows the difference between good and bad. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develo...
Project Number 05. Lions Club of Homagama Proudly Organize by King coconut water Serve to Patients of National Cancer Hospitle on 17th September 2022 from 09:15 A.M. 07 Lions Members, 06 Lions Ladie...
Donation of 4 Trans Tibial Kits at Matology and Rehabilitation Hospital, Ragama.
Scholarship given to university student ( 1st year student in Applied Science faculty Jawardana pura university ) Rs 120000 ( rs 10000 per month)