Show off youth skills and done tournament for a day of fun pp, team work and sportsmanship
Launched brand new pavilion f
Donated for new volleyballs and net
Donated tom TJC mango tree to plant and contribute greening our community
Donated Library books for Thalagama School at Balangoda
We are privileged to support our community by distributing wheelchairs to those in need ,helping to transform lives.
Installed Plaque mentioned lions logo and details to know public about this project done by lions
project at Petiyagagoda Rajamahaviharaya kelaniya .2024/9/28 Entertainment to Elders
Donation of Ayurvdeic oil to all participants to commerate Elders Day Project held on 28/8/24
To commerate Elders Day Progect conducted at Kelaniya distribution of reading glasses
Leader ship training Program For school Children on World Children's Day 2024.programe Done By Lion Makandan Rubanadan (Senior Lecture at University of Uva wellassa ) 8 Members ware participate wit...
World Children's day program 2024 celebrate with Primary school children at Cullen Este Tamil school ,Badulla .8 lions ware participate with Zonal chairman Lion Sagara.
World Children's day program 2024 celebrate with Primary school children at Cullen Este Tamil school ,Badulla .8 lions ware participate with Zonal chairman Lion Sagara.
Distributing cooked meals for needy elders in a poor village to mark the world elder's day celebrations.
Provided snak for children & staff and distribute toothpaste,tooth brush,soap tablet, a toy for a child at all wards of the hospital.. District governor also participated
We have organised a beach cleaning programme in our Ninthavur beach area for clean up day.
Donating excercise books for supporting study to very needy village students.
Donating excercise books for supporting education for very needy students requested by school principal
Donating excercise books for supporting needy children requested by school principal.
Disrtibuting soft drinks and toffees on the children's day to mark the International Children’s day. children who were playing games at their school were given drinks and toffees.
We dristributed soft drinks and toffes for pre school children on public roads who are engaged in a rally to remark the children's day.