We dristributed soft drinks and toffes for pre school children on public roads who are engaged in a rally to remark the children's day.
Donating 25000/= for hospital wards facilities development requested by hospital Medical suprentand
We celebrated the international Children’s day with the children who are admitted in the hospital on the Children’s day. The kids were treated with fruits pack and teddy bears.
To celebrate International Children's Day club participated in a programme by Daltara Kanishta Vidyalaya, Piliyandala. School had organised a lovely entertainment programme. It was a joint project w...
Project No : 21 Our Presidents’ foreign friend Mr Mohamed requested to distribute some numbers of cooked meals packs for needy people. So we have take task to distribute 50 nos of identified people...
PROJECT NO: 22 Elders Home visit on Elders day to spend valuable time with residents . Provided essential supplies and evening snacks for 60 elderly residents at Kattankudy Elders Home Project bud...
We printed 350 certificates for the art competition of Erawwala Darmapala College, Pannipitiya and donated to the art master of the college
Donated rs. 1000.00 each to the 15 selected needy students of area and also donated rs. 5000.00 x 4 selected needy students of outstation to use their education activities
We donated 25 meal parcels per day to the selected needy students of Erawwala Darmapala College, Pannipitiya and continued it for 10 days
Donated Rs. 750.00 + refreshments vaied to rs. 250.00 to each person who came to collect government grants from sub Post Office Pelenwatta, Pannipitiya
03 months free courses for english,tamil,computing,scienceand maths for grade five scholership seeking students.
Donating water dispenser to divisional secretary office staff and people .
Donated 5000.00 Rs as a part of salary to Instructors at Vocational training center, Mental health Unit District hospital Bandarawela Value of the Project = Rs 5000.00
Provided tea and refreshments 35 trainies and 5 staff who are coming for Vocational training at Mental health Unit District hospital Bandarawela. Average lions participated the project . Value of the ...
Overoll medical camp at kirimetithenna divisional hospital with thaiwan doctors group includes free medicine and diagnosing .
Lunch for 25 children and staff
Sago dansala for 5000 people who attended the Perehara at deniyaya
There were annual cricket big match between St Michael's College and BT/Methodist Central college. The big match Which was initiated in 2010 by Lions club of Batticaloa Singing Fish took place in Augu...
Distributed lemon and mango plants with District Governor 24-25 - Samandewala project
Donation of wheel chair to Needy patient
Distribution of exercise books to needy children with District Governor 24-25 - Samandewala project