Project Chairperson Lion Sarath Meegoda Withana distributed 5000 face masks to Badulla Prison along with 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF , Club President Lion Kosala Dissanayake, Zon...
Distribution of Dry Ration packs worth of Rs 110000.00 among needy familiies around Mulleriaywa New Town by Lions Club of Nawal Premier. Recipients hartfully thanks the Lion Club for this service whic...
Distribution of Dry ration and food items to Covid affected and Low income families on the request of respective DS of the area Due to the vivid pandemic situation
On the request of Divisional Secretary ,our Club has distributed Dry rations and food items to Covid affected and low income families in the Ds area.
Lions club of Sammanthurai Golden City arranged a project to the covid vaccination Centre at Al ameer vidyalaya. center No 2 Lunch was donated to 30 vaccination team members.
Lions club of Sammanthurai Golden City arranged a project to the covid vaccination Centre at Al ameer vidyalaya. center No 1 Lunch was donated to 30 vaccination team members.
Lions club of Sammanthurai Golden City arranged a project to the covid vaccination Centre at Al ameer vidyalaya. Center No 2 Morning breakfast was donated to 30 vaccination team members.
Lions club of Sammanthurai Golden City arranged a project to the covid vaccination Centre at Al ameer vidyalaya. Center No1 Morning breakfast was donated to 30 vaccination team members.
Lions club of Sammanthurai Golden City arranged a project to the covid vaccination Centre at Al Muneer vidyalaya. Lunch was donated to 30 vaccination team members
Lions club of Sammanthurai Golden City arranged a project to the covid vaccination Centre at Al Muneer vidyalaya. Morning breakfast was donated to 30 vaccination team members
Chicken meat issue for 10nos Quarantine house at Sammanthurai 1kg x 750 region chairman is quarantine regional project coordinator Lion MIM Ziyath MJF/MAF is participation
Dry ration for Quarantine house Sammanthurai with PHI and Grama nilathari 5 house 3500x5 Note : photos are missing my phone
Dry ration for Quarantine house Sammanthurai with PHI and Grama nilathari 10 house 3500x10
continue project Donation of Quarantine Certificates and Stickers- MOH Office, Sammanthurai
Awarding a scholarship to student at Ananda Vidyalaya Kottawa
Providing dry rations to flood victims. Our Governor and vice governor also participated in this event.
This IS & ongoing Project since 1977 onwards carried out by our club under the project chairmanship of Lion Lakshman De Silva Donors provide main mails tea, cloths & other requirements etc. for 18 i...
Awarded a Scholarship to Student at Mahinda Rajapaksha Vidyalaya
Commemorate and celebrate the Zonal chairperson's day July 01 2021. Our club president donated 1000 Nos face marks to the Ratnapura Teaching Hospital, use for patients and the hospital staff to pre...
Donation a walker for Disable Person in Kottawa town
Donation of food items cloths,saanitary items and medicine to the elder at ymba elders home