Providing dry rations to 25 monks who are meditating in the temple
Providing Dahawal Danaya for 40 monks & 15 people who are serving in the temple during the Covid Panadamic times,this temple haven't got any dahawal danaya from any of the devotees that date, so the ...
District's first Project done by Lions club of Udahamulla New Century,Welcoming the District Governor Dr Rasika S Priyantha with fellow lions.. Breakfast Provided
Complete an uncomplete house for a low income family ,
Donation of Computer TAB to needy Child for his education
to Mark 40th Charter Anniversary , we donated Furniture , medical storing items to Homagama covid hospital
Donated 200 PPE Kits to MOH office Homagama to mark Melvin Jones Birthday Project Chairman : Lion Pushpa Kusumchandra Co Chairman : Lion Anura Mendis
Donated Anti Gen Test Kits to MOH Office at Homagama Hospital
Donated Essential Items , Cloth, Breakfast & Lunch to Special Needy Children
Donated Wireless Telephones to assist hospital staff to easy communication with Covid patients.
A some of rupee Rs.250,000/= has been donated to St.Joshap Collage Nugegoda for admition fee has these poor parents did not have a sufficient. This fund donated by Lion Palitha Jagoda and Lion Lady Pa...
Contributed some of rupee 500000/= to a poor family who was needed the housing facility in Horana this is manel of . only schooling lady did not have facility's to do a educational Activity's and fat...
Mavaliaru Village is situated in the outskirt of Batticaloa District, Their is no proper road access to this village, a women headed family having two girl children was identified struggling for livin...
New parking facility was created
Donation Health care items to R/Saman maha Vidyalaya heter machines sanitizers 4L can 10 surgical soaps
Club Annual Trip & Past president appreciation
The Donation of grass cutter machine to Saman Dewalaya Chief Guest Governor Rasika Priyantha 16/08/2020
26 Devotees were given Rs. 1000/= each to purchase White cloths for observing Sil at Chaithihashika Rajamaha Viharaya, Mahavilachchiya by Lion Susil Attapattu MJF/PMAF. chief Guest was DG Lion Dr Rasi...
A two days Basketball training programme was organized for 84 students at St. Michaels College, Batticaloa, Anually this training is conducted and this year on request of Lion Dr. Chandrakantha Mahend...
Cataract Surgery program conducted by lions club
Providing a counter for the nursing staff for a ward in Padukka Hospital