providing zoom data for a period ad one month for school children to end one the uninterrupted online education
providing zoom data for a period ad one month for school children to end one the uninterrupted online education
zone chairperson Lion NBRH Rohana partcipated.
we donated a computer set and internet connection to the kokkuvil maha viyalayam which is from a remote village for the use of the students zoom online classes
providing zoom data for a period ad one month for school children to end one the uninterrupted online education
Donated 35 Parcels for very Needy People in and Around Amunudowa Village of Bandarawela District 2 nd Vice District GOVERNOR attended to the Project . daughters of the Lion Pramaratna Nushanthi MANJ...
At the request by District Governor for Zone Chairperson's Excellence Day on 1st August, club donated 50 lunch packs to the city cleaners in and around Colombo. Lunch packs prepared by project chairp...
On the request of the Founder of Foundation of Goodness to help the needy children to obtain mobile data for their zoom online classes, I gave a donation to obtain mobile data for 125 children. This ...
As per the request by District Governor to carry projects on 1st July club donated 50 Nos PPE kits to be handed over to Commissioner of Prisons as they had requested for same. Region 5 had organised ...
Corona awareness instructions banner at District Hospital Central Camp
Dry ration project for Dharul Imman Orphanage care Home
Provide Refreshment for Covit 19 Vaccination public and staff Base Hospital Sammanthurai
Donation of Sprayers 2L – 10 Numbers - Covid 19 Unit, Base Hospital, Sammanthurai.
Blood Donation Camp at Base Hospital, Sammanthurai 27 Donners participate
With the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation across the globe, crises occurred without a limit. Here in Sri Lanka too, Covid-19 Pandemic measures have been taken swiftly, and we as Lions have been the prime ...
Meals for breakfast and Lunch and face masks were supplied for over 30 Elders residing in the THUSITHA Elders Home Polgasowita
A brand new laptop computer was donated to a deserving university student to further her education
Awarding a scholarship to student at Kottawa Ananda collage.
Tree planting in lions own gardens