We distributed 450 face masks and Covid 19 awareness handbills to the public. This project will help the people to be aware of the Covid 19 in our areas.
We plant 25 trees in the temple at Navatkudah Divisions. It will give protection to the environment in the future.
On behalf of Lions Club of Batticaloa, Organized to donate dry ration packets (54 Packets) to needy society who is suffering to meet day to day expenses in this pandemic in Ghandhi Village.
A person who is looked-for his medical expenses on every month & it’s able to stand on his one month requirement at our end.
We have observed the requirement of Air Conditioner in the laboratory of COVID-19 Unit in Teaching Hospital of Batticaloa at urgent basis and able to fulfill this requirement on 01.07.2021.
On behalf of Lions Club of Batticaloa, Organized to donate dry ration packets to needy pupil who is suffering to meet their day to day expenses in this pandemic in Kiran Area.
Hand bills issued regarding of vaccination awareness in Chenkalady to Batticaloa area who has to be educate this awareness during this COVID-19.
On behalf of Lions Club of Batticaloa, We have issued 125 Packets of Dry Rations who has suffering to meet their day to day expenses at Orumulaicholai Village, Chenkalady DS Division.
On behalf of Lions Club of Batticaloa, donating Tree Plants at Vellaveli DS Division on 01st July 2021.
We provided dry ration to the low-income families in this area. Most of the family members are daily wages people. This covid 19 situation this help will help to them.
We are aware of the public of the covid 19 and vaccination against it. It's beneficial to the public to know more about the disease. The lions club of Sammanthurai Golden City joined us to do the even...
We plant and distribute trees to Divisional Secretariate joint with Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City.
We are issued 240 water bottles to the public coming to the Divisional secretariate to get the services.
We provide dry ration to low-income families at the Navatkudah division. Most of the families are daily wages workers. In this Covid 19 situation, it helps them a lot.
To mark the Zone Chairman excellance day joint project with LC of Kalmunai
Joint project with LC of Kalmunai to mark the Zone Chairman excellance day
providing food and clothing to children
Donated needy goods with evening tea, snacks to the elders in elders home in Balangoda. This was totally lion Lady's project.
Fully reconstructed a seal type store room for the office of medical health in our city of Balangoda.