Asirwaadha pinkama for new officers and all lions of the districf
Donation of Goods for Pregnant Mothers Chief guest 2nd VDG Lion Ismath Hamid
Donation of Medical Equipments for Covid 19 Patients at Wellawaya Base Hospital. Chief Guest :- 2nd Vice District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF
Tree planting project at Aithiyamalai Church along with 1st District Governor Lion Benat Gamlath PMJF and Lion Gaya Upasena
tree planting project at Aythiyamalai Church along with our 1st vice District Governor Lion Benat Gamlath PMJF and Lion Gaya Upasena.
we donated bed sheets and biscuits to the elder's home Batticaloa along with 1st District Governor Lion Bennat Gamlath PMJF and Lion Gaya Upasena
we donated 1set of computer, printer, multimedia projector and router with net connection to the schools in vaharai area coordinate with 233 Bridge this will use for their zoom online classes
selected 3 schools from vaharai division and we gave passed paper books and exam kits to the grade 5 students from these schools coordinated with 233 Brigade
Providing spectacles for 13 peoples
Providing tiles for laying in the relics house of Miriyagalla temple (2*2)
Blood test for 65 selected peoples in angamuwa and miriyagalla Grama niladari divisions
Blood test for 65 selected peoples in angamuwa and miriyagalla Grama niladari divisions
Providing two wheelchair for a disabled person
Distributiuted dry ration & each Rs.500/= needly people
Lion Merwyn sponsored 450 stickers to Lions TV
Covid 19 Vaccine Awareness - Issuing Hand Bills Joint Project with Lions Club of Kaluwanchikudy Town at Kaluwanchikudy
Covid 19 Vaccine Awareness - Issuing Hand Bills at Az- zuhara Vidyalayam – Kalmunai Teachers and students
On a request made by the Matron at the Boys' Home, donated a two burner Gas cooker and a Rechargeable Emergency Lamp. We also donated a large amount of Dry rations.
Zoom Data package Reload for 165/- for 150 sammanthurai selected students
Donation of Dry ration and mask sanitizer at Valathapitty for poor families