A loan of Rs.30000/= given to 100 low income group people to start self employment .
Conducted a 3 day Seminar for G.C.E.ordinary level students in ScinceNaths and English .A donation of Rs.2000/=each was given to 10 Students .Lion District Governor Bennet Gamalath came as the Chief G...
Arranged blood donation campaign at Seeduwa project chairperson Lion Senapala MJF/MAF participated as a chif guest Distric govenor Lion Bannet Gamalath PMJF/PMAF, club president K.V.Ravindran MJF/MAF....
Donated genarator to Seeduwa Rajamaha Viharaya at seeduwa project chairperson Lion Senapala MJF/MAF participated as a chif guest Distric govenor Lion Bannet Gamalath PMJF/PMAF, club president K.V.Ravi...
Donated genarator to Mukalanda Rajamaha Viharaya at seeduwa project chairperson Lion Senapala MJF/MAF participated as a chif guest Distric govenor Lion Bannet Gamalath PMJF/PMAF, club president K.V.Ra...
Donated for 100 Spectacles for a Joint project done by the Lions Club of Jawatte summit and Science College Mount Lavinia.
Donated newly constructed house at seeduwa project chairperson Lion Senapala MJF/MAF participated as a chif guest Distric govenor Lion Bannet Gamalath PMJF/PMAF, club president K.V.Ravindran MJF/MAF. ...
Donation of Rs.20000.00 given to the welfare of the blind
Lion President Roshan donated 2 Wheel Chairs to two physically handicapped persons .
Our PDG Lion Nimal Bulathsinhala donated money for the costumes and equipments of the Thilini Dance Academy at Dehiwela .
Donated newly constructed house at seeduwa project chairperson Lion Senapala MJF/MAF participated as a chif guest Distric govenor Lion Bannet Gamalath PMJF/PMAF, club president K.V.Ravindran MJF/MAF. ...
Donated dryrations to seeduwa village project chairperson Lion Senapala MJF/MAF participated as a chif guest Distric govenor Lion Bannet Gamalath PMJF/PMAF, club president K.V.Ravindran MJF/MAF. regio...
We have donated school bags, water bottles, lunch boxes, shoes, uniforms etc., to Anamaduwa Dekaththewa Primary School children. District governor participated this project.
Club President Lion Sagara Ubeyrathne MAF chaired the Multiservice Project along with First Vice District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF at a School in Passara Meeriyabathe Vidyalaya on 22nd February...
A special M O T I V A T I O N lecture was conducted for the students, parents and the teachers of Passara Meeriyabedda Vidayalaya on 22nd Feb 2023 by the Regional GLT coordinator Lion Shiraz Khan, wit...
Club President Lion Sagara Ubeyrathne MAF chaired the Multiservice Project along with First Vice District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF at a School in Passara Meeriyabathe Vidyalaya on 22nd February...
The reasons for starting the "Waga Arana War" were based on the area of the Western Province, which has a population of about 5.8 million (5,821,710) and is about 3684 km2. About 5% of this amount is...
This project was done by region 5 of 306C2 District. For this Project, We Donate Medicine, a Mobile speaker, Writing books for the Berannewa Vidyalaya, and Two First aid Boxes with medicine for Berann...
We selected low-income earner adults who were having sight-related problems and took them for a checkup. Thereafter, identify people who are in need of Cataract operations and offered them cataract su...
Club President Lion Sagara Ubeyrathne MAF chaired the Multiservice Project along with First Vice District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF at a School in Passara Meeriyabathe Vidyalaya on 22nd February...
Club President Lion Sagara Ubeyrathne MAF chaired the Multiservice Project along with First Vice District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF at a School in Passara Meeriyabathe Vidyalaya on 22nd February...