Lion members of L/C of kottawa midtown distributed breakfast and midday meals to 120 students of low income families at Ananda maha vidyalaya on 28th march 2023.lion members sheduled to distribute ...
Donated Cash to School Development commitee Dawatamottawa Primary school at Andiambalama Project chairperson PP Lion Kanapathy Ravindran MAF Participated Club president Lion K.V.Ravindran MJF/MAF, ,Li...
Cash Doation to Sri Maha Viharaya Mullagala project chairperson Lion Hunil Herath MAF
50 UK-made IOL lenses with a total cost of 1.5 million LKR, were donated to the Lions Sight centre (Eye unit - District general hospital Nawalapitiya) by the Lions club of Nawalapitiya Kothmale. They ...
Donated Schools bag and books to Dawatamottawa Primary school at Andiambalama Project chairperson Lion Senapala MJF/MAF Participated Club president Lion K.V.Ravindran MJF/MAF, PP Lion Kanapathy Ravin...
Conducted a Bana sermon to Devotees .Served a snack and Ice cream to all the participants .
Conducted a Diabetes clinic for the inmates in the Elders home and also for the people in the neighborhood .Tests done on Blood sugar levels,Haemoglobin ,Neuropathy etc;Drugs were given according to ...
Our Club has been found a family need some immediate assistance because the families house got fire and roof has been completely damaged and they have loosen their shelter to live, we have provided so...
The Lions Club of Batticaloa Supreme has provided the Lunch and stationeries for 50 students(orphans) who residing at "Yokaswamikal"Illam, Sittandy, Batticaloa on 07.01.2023 with the presence of the D...
Lions club of Sammanthurai Golden city Donated pampers, brushes to the joint project Organised by lions club of New York Cosmopolitan ,District 20-R2 on the 02.03.2023 by Lion Shahir Ahamed during his...
8th Project Project Title/Activity Name: Donation of Study Packs to a family ( for 4 children) Date:17th February 2023 Place of Activity : Homagama Moragahahena Project...
7th Project Project Title/Activity Name: Donation of Spectacles to low Income People Date: 14th February 2023 Place of Activity : Duwa Buddhist Temple at Arawwala ,Pannipit...
sponsored to cricket tournament at Wattala Joint project with Ln club of Colombo Diamond Project chairperson Lion K.Senapala MJF/MAF Participated Club President Lion K.V.Ravindran MJF/MAF, ans PP Li...
Donated wheelchair to disable person in Katupelellagama village.
Arranged 6 meals to 200 devotees of SIL Maatha's to Anuruddhapura pilgrimage Project chairperson Lion Chamika Nishad MAF Particaped Zone Chairpers Lion Chairmen Coonghe MJF/MAF
A program of 200 devotees of SIL Maatha's to Anuruddhapura pilgrimage for bus Project chairperson Lion Chamika Nishad MAF Particaped Club Presidenf K.V.Ravindran MJF/MAF Zone Chairpers Lion Chairmen C...
Worshipped 3000 number of Jasmine flowers Lord Buddha at Anuruddhapura Jaya sri maha bodhiya Project chairperson Lion Chamika NIshad MAF Participated Zone Chairperson Lion Chairmen Coonghr MJF/MAF
Donated Canopy to the Kovil at Maligawatta Project chairperson Lion Damayanthi Gamage MAF Participated Lion K.V.Ravindran MJF/MAF,and Lion Aruna Uthpala
Arrange refreshment who participated in the Kovil funtion who participated in the Kovil funtion at Maligawatta Hindu temple.Project chairperson Club President Lion K.V.Ravindran MJF/MAF/LSF Partici...
Donated all the trophies and certificates for students who participated in the Kovil funtion day at Maligawatta Hindu temple.Project chairperson Lion Damayanthi Gamage MAF Participated Club President...
lion members of kottawa midtown organized and sponsered Diabetic Control medical camp at Kulasewan mawatha welfare society hall on 26th March 2023. tested fasting Bood glucose , Blood pressure and BMI...